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Cold Laser Therapy

The following information is from Erchonia Laser Heathcare's website:

Q. What is Low Level Laser Therapy?
A. Low-Level Laser therapy is the use of low intensity photonic energy as a treatment modality.

Q. How does Low-Level Laser (3LT®) work?
A. Photonic stimuli excite the body’s cells infusing them with energy, with the three primary reactions being, reduction of inflammation, cell regeneration and increased blood flow.

Q. What is it used for?
A. The potential applications of Low-Level Laser (3LT®) are almost limitless, however; to date Erchonia has received market clearance for Neck and Shoulder Pain, Breast Augmentation, Acne, Laser Assisted Liposuction, and Non-Invasive Body Contouring.  Erchonia continues to conduct clinical trials on other applications.

Q. What are the benefits of low-laser therapy?
A. Low Level Laser Therapy is a noninvasive, fast and effective modality that has been proven in clinical trials to reduce pain, reduce edema, and promote healing.

Q. How safe is Low-Level Laser Therapy?
A. Low Level Laser Therapy has is very safe, the only general precaution is the use of special filtering glasses when a class 3B laser is in use.

Q. How deep into the tissue can laser light penetrate?
A. The depth of penetration is dependent on multiple factors including mass and density, however since low-level laser has been proven in clinical studies to effect subcutaneous cells; the point is low-level laser, does penetrate; as opposed to the heat lamp devices that do not.

Q. Can I use Low-Level Laser Therapy at home, on myself?
A. Low Level Laser Therapy is simple enough that once the protocol had been established by a physician, a patient could administer it themselves, however; all Erchonia market clearances stipulate “By Order of Physician.” 


Q. What the difference is between pulsed vs. constant wave?
A. Like their names imply, constant wave is a continuous emission of laser energy, without disruption, for the length of time
the device is ON.  Pulsed wave is controlled breaks in the wave, at predefined and programmed intervals.

Q. What is hertz as it relates to Low-Level Lasers?
A. The predefined, controlled breaks in the laser emission, measured by the number of breaks per second, equals hertz.



Q. Is Low-Level Laser Therapy painful?
A. No, most people do not feel anything.  For those that have reported a feeling, it is nothing more than a slight tingling.

Q. Who uses the Low-Level Lasers?
A. Erchonia has a broad client base with representative from every practice in the healthcare industry, including by not limited; Cosmetic Surgeons, Chiropractors, Plastic Surgeons, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Registered Nurses, Medical Doctors, Podiatrists, and Veterinarians.

Q. How is Low-Level Laser Therapy administered?
A. The mechanics of how low-level laser therapy is administered is based on the indication for use; however, the general process is the probe containing the laser diode(s) are held in place or moved gently over the treatment area at a distance of anywhere from 4” – 12.” 

Q. How long does it take for the laser to heal or improve a condition?
A. This is dependent of the application; however, progress is immediately evident.

Q. What’s the difference between Lasers vs. LED?
A. Erchonia 3LT® devices used electric diodes, which are high end, culminated and strictly measured within a plus/minus .05%.  LEDs are inexpensive, non-focused wide range light sources.  The primary difference is in performance and depth of penetration.  Laser diodes penetrate, working subcutaneously, LEDs do not affecting surface only.


Q. What clinical studies have been conducted using Low-Level Laser?
A. Erchonia has sponsored numerous clinical trials and continues to promote low level laser as a modality through ongoing research.  To see the completed study results and the on-going study progress, see 

Manning Chiropractic and Wellness Center - 250 Mount Lebanon Blvd, Suite 307, Pittsburgh Pa 15234

Phone (412) 341-2505

Fax (412) 341-0402

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